Originally, SAT was an abbreviation for the Scholastic Aptitude Test. In 1993, the test was renamed the SAT I: Reasoning Test. At the same time, the former Achievement Tests were renamed the SAT II: Subject Tests. In 2004, the numerals “I” and “II” were dropped and the tests are now named the SAT Reasoning Test (or just SAT) and SAT Subject Tests. SAT is a simple and recognizable way of referring to the SAT Reasoning Test. The SAT (technically known as the SAT I) is a general test of verbal and quantitative reasoning accepted for U. S. college admissions. The test is required for admission to undergraduate programs of most US universities. Many universities also require you to take SAT-II tests. SAT is held about 6-7 times a year. The SAT is developed and administered by the US-based “College Entrance Examination Board”. This implies that College board sets the questions, conducts the test, and sends each examinee the score report.
Format of SAT:
SAT-I: Reasoning Test
The SAT-I is a three hour, primarily multiple-choice test that measures verbal and mathematical reasoning abilities that develop over time. Most colleges require SAT-I scores for admission.
SAT-II: Subject Tests
The SAT-II subject tests are one hour, primarily multiple-choice tests that measure your knowledge of particular subjects and your ability to apply that knowledge. Many universities may require you to take this along with SAT-I.
The SAT-I is a three hour exam, divided into seven sections. The following table gives out the format of the SAT-I :
Section Type of Question Total Questions Timing
Verbal Sentence Completion – 10 questions
Analogy Questions – 13 questions
Critical Reading – 12 questions 35 questions 30 minutes
Verbal Sentence Completion – 9 questions
Analogy Questions – 6 questions
Critical Reading – 15 questions 30 questions 30 minutes
Verbal Critical reading questions on paired passages 13 questions 15 minutes
Mathematics Multiple Choice – 25 25 questions 30 minutes
Mathematics Quantitative Comparisons – 15
Student-produced-response Questions – 10 25 questions 30 minutes
Mathematics Multiple Choice Questions – 10 10 questions 15 minutes
Experimental Either verbal or Mathematics section varies 30 minutes
Total 138 + 3 hours
SAT-II: Subject Tests
Writing, Literature, American History and Social Studies, World History, Math IC, Math IIC, Biology, Biology E/M, Chemistry, Physics, Chinese Listening, French Reading, French Listening, German Reading, German Listening, Modern Hebrew, Italian, Japanese Listening, Korean Listening, Latin, Spanish Listening, Spanish Reading, English Language Proficiency
Similarities and differences between the SAT and the PSAT/NMSQT?
Both the SAT and the PSAT/NMSQT measure critical reading, writing, and math reasoning skills. The PSAT/NMSQT contains actual SAT questions, but it is designed to be slightly easier than the SAT. The PSAT/NMSQT is two hours and 10 minutes, whereas the SAT takes three hours and forty-five minutes. The SAT is used for college admission, but PSAT/NMSQT scores are not sent to colleges. The PSAT/NMSQT Score Report gives you personalized feedback on areas in which you could improve, along with specific advice on how to improve. Taking the PSAT/NMSQT gives you a chance to qualify for scholarship and recognition programs and is the best practice for the SAT.
Who administers SAT?
The SAT is developed and administered by the US-based “College Entrance Examination Board”. This implies that College board sets the questions, conducts the test, and sends each examinee the score report.
Anyone and everyone interested is eligible for taking the SAT. The SAT test scores are valid for Five years, i.e., most universities accept scores up to five years old.
How to Apply?
There are three common ways of registering for SAT:
By mail: Obtain the “SAT Information Bulletin” available free with USEFI offices or from college board website. Fill in the form, get the draft made (if you are not paying by credit card), and use the envelope provided with the form to mail these to:
College Board SAT Program
Princeton, NJ 08541,USA
Online Registration (Credit Card required):
Fill up the form online and mention your credit card number. This is the easiest way to register for SAT.
Reporting the Scores
College board has the provision of reporting your SAT scores to a maximum of four universities of your choice, the cost of which is built into the SAT fee you pay. You have to mention the universities to which you want to send the scores in the SAT application form. This implies that even before taking the SAT, you need to do some homework on which universities you’re finally going to apply based on the score that you expect to attain.
There is going to be a change in pattern in the SAT, the test required for admission to undergraduate (Bachelor degree) programs in US universities.
The last SAT with the old pattern is going to be on January 22, 2005.
All the subsequent tests would be in the new pattern.
Some changes in the new patterns are:
• A student-written essay
• Analogies eliminated
• Shorter reading passages added
• New content from third-year college preparatory math
• Quantitative Comparisons eliminated
What are the changes in the NEW SAT?
Writing Section (new section added)
• Multiple-choice questions (grammar and usage)
• Student-written essay
Critical Reading Section (currently called verbal section)
• Analogies eliminated
• Short reading passages added to existing long reading passages Math Section
• Math content expanded to include topics from third-year college preparatory math
• Quantitative comparisons eliminated
What do SAT scores look like?
The SAT has three scores, each on the scale of 200 to 800. Your score will include writing (W 200-800), mathematics (M 200-800), and critical reading (CR 200-800).
Your math and critical reading scores on the new SAT can be compared to the math and verbal scores on the old test. This is something colleges need for consistency in admissions requirements. However, the SAT writing score is completely new.
For the more details https://www.collegeboard.com/